The Confederated Californian Empire (CCE), commonly known as the Californian Empire (C.E. or CE) or California, is a country composed of 60 states, thirteen overseas departments, three territories, three major self-governing territories and a National Capital District, and various possessions. At 10.92 million square miles (28.31 million km²), the Californian Empire is the world's first-largest country by total area and slightly larger than the Soviet Union's 8.94 million square miles (23.16 million km²). With a population of 3.89 billion, the C.E. is the first-most populous country. The capital is Los Angeles, N.C.D., and the largest city by population is Los Angeles.

Thirty states and the capital's federal district are contiguous, occupying the western half of North America. The remainder of the C.E.'s thirty non-contiguous states are the States of Anticosti & Magdalen Islands, Labrador, Newfoundland and St. Pierre & Miquelon in the northeast corner of North America, bordered by Canada to the west, and the State of Greenland across the Labrador Sea to the east. The States of Costa Rica and Panama are in the southeast corner of North America. Californian Guyana, is the only state on the South American continent.

The State of Cape Matthews is situated on the Atlantic Coast in Chesapeake Bay; with a land boundary to the west and a maritime boundary to the north, east and south with the U.S. State of Virginia. Seven states (Bahamas, Californian Antilles, Cuba, Cayman Islands, Española, Jamaica and the Virgin Islands) are situated in the Caribbean Sea. In the Atlantic are the State of Bermuda, and the State of Macaronesia made up of the island archipelagos of the Azores, Canary Islands, Cape Verde and the island of Madeira. In the Antarctic Ocean south of Africa lie the State of the Austral Islands. In Europe lie the States of France, and Californian Italia. In Asia are the States of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau, and the Territory of the Riau Islands.

The State of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific Ocean, the States of Californian Polynesia and the Phoenix Islands are archipelagos in the mid-South Pacific, and the States of New Caledonia and Wallis & Futuna are archipelagos in the South Pacific. The C.E. territories are scattered about the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, stretching across eighteen official time zones. The extremely diverse geography, climate, and wildlife of the Californian Empire makes it one of the world's 15 megadiverse countries.

The Californian Empire emerged from the second Republic of California established after independence from United States in 1999. Numerous disputes between Canada (2009-11) and the United States following World War III led to the Californian-American War, which began in 2011, and the subsequent Californian-Mexican War (2012-15). The Californian-American War ended in 2021 with the Californian Empire becoming the first country to gain independence from the United States. The current constitution was adopted in 2300. The Californian Empire embarked on a vigorous expansion across the world throughout the 21st century, acquiring new territories, and gradually admitting new states, overseas departments, and territories until until it gained a presence on all seven continents by 2096.

Over the 21st century, during the Second Cold War, the Californian Empire and the United States competed throughout the world via proxy conflicts, culminating in the Dévnostraéva-Fëanor Peace Accord of 2274. The end of the Second Cold War and the establishment of peaceful relations with the United States, established the Californian Empire as a superpower on par with the United States.